Selecting and implementing an electronic health record (EHR) system that will meet the unique needs of your practice while not sucking up gobs of time or money is paramount to providing affordable, quality care to your patients. With literally hundreds of certified EHR solutions, trying to find the best fit for your practice can be […]
The 5 Biggest Mistakes Rochester Small Businesses Make With Their Computer Network That Cost Them Time, Money and Aggravation

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Small Businesses and Medical Practices Make With Their Computer Network That Cost Them Time, Money and Aggravation Want to avoid the most common and expensive computer problems many small businesses experience? Then read on! We’ve compiled a list of 5 things you should be doing to save yourself a lot of […]
5 Inexpensive Ways to Make Old Computers Faster and More Reliable

Want to improve the speed and performance of your current network without investing serious cash into new PCs? Read on… #1 ADD MEMORY. One of the most inexpensive and effective ways to improve a computer’s performance is to install more RAM (random access memory). This will speed up the applications installed on your computer and […]